

About Our Membership

Types of Members

  • Ordinary Members £30
  • Retired Members £15
  • Associate Members £60

Our membership work in - NHS Hospital Trusts (teaching trusts, district general hospitals, community trusts, primary care trusts, mental health trusts), Health Boards, Health Education England offices, deaneries, University departments and other organisations with a role to play in the management of medical staff. Members are working solely, or as part of a departmental team ranging in size from two to well over two dozen colleagues.

Members can work in dedicated departments, solely on medical personnel / medical staffing issues; in human resources departments dealing with all members of staff including doctors; in postgraduate centres; in University medical education departments; with medical staff administration; with doctors hours / audit / clinical governance or in a variety of other settings.

Our members range from those who left school with or without GCSEs, to those who have first degrees / postgraduate qualifications. Members have started in medical personnel with no previous experience, enjoyed it, and have stayed there ever since. Other members work in medical personnel to gain experience in all facets of NHS human resources, and move on to other things. others flit back and forth between the two, and some drop by from time to time on their way to bigger and better places. In short - NAMPS is a broad church, open to all.

Become a Member

Member Benefits

Why become a NAMPS member? These are the member benefits:

  • Access to the closed NAMPS QA webpages, where you can share views and problems with other members
  • Receipt of the NAMPS newsletter, published ten times per year.
  • Access to training courses and conferences
  • Access to regional meetings
  • All the benefits of being part of a national network, where you can share problems, agree best practice and contribute to the development of medical staffing as a vital, professional HR service.

Full Membership (Ordinary Membership) shall be open to anyone directly involved wholly or partly in medical personnel work within the national health service.

Associate members (e.g., employees of BMA, locum agencies) can join, but are not entitled to vote or access member fora and Q and A sections. There shall be a category of 'retired' members for anyone who was an ordinary member of the association and who, for any reason, has ceased to be employed, or now works elsewhere in the NHS. Full and retired members will have the same rights.

There are also a small number of "lifetime members" who have given many years service to NAMPS and to medical staffing, and whom the organisation has chosen to thank by conferring life membership. Note: they are not all as old as you might think!

Namps Membership

One year's membership to NAMPS
£35.00 per 1 year(s)